The attitude of the scientist to religion and science in modern Society

  • Aminova Nargiza Sharifovna Teacher of the Language learning department of the Academy of MIA
Keywords: history of philosophy, inductive style, radical reform, culturological thought, fanaticism, internal pressure, religious obedience


This article provides information on Bacon's philosophy, theoretical and practical views of the scientist on radical reform, the expediency of a progressive relationship with religion, the specificity of nature and scientific knowledge, the limits of human consciousness, political and scientific views on the balance of empiricism and theory.


1. Serm.fid., XVI. De atheism, p.1165
2. New Organon. Page 89
3. Kuno Fisher. F. Bacon Verulamsky: real philosophy and its era. Moscow. 2003. page 243
4. Kuno Fisher. F. Bacon Verulamsky: real philosophy and its era. Moscow. 2003. page 418
How to Cite
Sharifovna, A.N. 2021. The attitude of the scientist to religion and science in modern Society. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 12 (Dec. 2021), 152-155. DOI: