The Relationship between a Language and Culture

  • Muborak Sagatova Senior teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: culture, intercultural communicative competence, foreign language, relationship, perspectives


Teaching culture should be an essential part of teaching English as a foreign language because one of the main aims of teaching a foreign language is intercultural communicative competence (ICC). The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between language and culture and to determine to what extent culture is incorporated into the curriculum of schools.


1. Armour-Thomas, E. & Gopaul-Nicol, S. 1998. Assessing Intelligence. Applying a Bio Cultural Model. USA: Sage Publications
2. Michael Byram’s (1997) Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC)
3. Bruner, J. 1996. The Culture of Education. USA: Harvard University Press
4. Damen, L. 1987. Culture learning: The fifth dimension in the language classroom. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
How to Cite
Sagatova, M. 2022. The Relationship between a Language and Culture. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 1 (Jan. 2022), 164-167. DOI: