Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Concept “Fruit” in English and Uzbek

  • Mannonova Feruzabonu Sherali qizi UzSWLU
Keywords: concept, abstract idea, notion, conceptualization, analysis, experiment, philosophers, linguistics, comprehension, passage, procedure, word, investigation, proverbs, quotations, feature, meaning


The article aims to discuss the cognitive linguistic analysis of the notion “Fruit”. The study covers theoretical research part which intends to stress the preliminary comprehension on the investigated issue. Moreover, practical part comprises proper interpretation on the selected concept. The notion is discussed within the 3 steps of conceptualization. It is obvious seen in the provided samples: 9idioms, 20 proverbs and 10 quotations.


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How to Cite
Mannonova Feruzabonu Sherali qizi 2020. Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Concept “Fruit” in English and Uzbek. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 1 (Mar. 2020), 1-3. DOI: