Transformation of Phraseological Units in the English-Language Press and Their Translation into Russian

  • Shukhratova Mukhlisakhon Shukhratjon qizi Kokand University, English language teacher of World languages department
Keywords: phraseology, phraseological units, phraseological transformation, press, newspaper, journalism, contextual analysis


The English language has a thousand-year history. During this time, it has accumulated a large number of expressions that people considered successful, well-aimed and beautiful. This is how a special layer of the language arose - phraseology, a set of set expressions that have a special meaning. A good knowledge of the language, including English, is impossible without knowledge of its phraseology. Phraseological units have become an integral part of journalism and the language of newspapers. But if the issue concerning the translation of phraseological units is defined to some extent, then the problem of translating phraseological transformations remains largely controversial and still poorly understood.


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How to Cite
qizi, S.M.S. 2022. Transformation of Phraseological Units in the English-Language Press and Their Translation into Russian. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 2 (Feb. 2022), 169-172. DOI: