Modern Trends in the Development of the Human Resource Management System

  • Adilov Botir Baltabaevich Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Management of the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Ochilov Sardor Xayitboy o’g’li National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Faculty of Economics, 2nd year master's student in the specialty "Human Resource Management"
Keywords: HR management, personnel management, recruiting agency, organizations, human resources


The article discusses modern HR technologies necessary for the strategic management of domestic companies, as well as the main difficulties and problems associated with accounting, control and motivation of personnel. It reflects in detail how the specificity of HR management is manifested, together with approaches to building the functions of the personnel management process. The mechanisms for improving HR management in the business environment and the role of consulting agencies in recruiting are disclosed in detail. The conclusion is made about the existence of a number of contradictions and conflict situations in the process of HR-specialists' activity in the modern labor market.


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How to Cite
Baltabaevich , A.B. and o’g’li , O.S.X. 2022. Modern Trends in the Development of the Human Resource Management System. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 2 (Feb. 2022), 176-179. DOI: