The Issues of the Heritage ("Valiaxd") in the Khanate of Khiva
The article examines the choice of heir to the throne in the late medieval era in the Khiva Khanate, the spiritual and physical maturity of the princes, and their preparation for governing the state.
2. Bregel Y. Firdavs al-iqbal. Histori of Khorezm by Shir Muhammad mirob Munis and Muhammad Riza mirob Agahi. Brill Leiden . Boston . Koln. 1999. PP. 408-410. Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs–ul-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2010. – B. 399-403.
3. Bregel Y. Firdavs al-iqbal. Histori of Khorezm by Shir Muhammad mirob Munis and Muhammad Riza mirob Agahi. Brill Leiden . Boston . Koln. 1999. PP. 350-351. Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs–u-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2010. - B. 345-346.
5. A.A. Juvayniy. History of Jahongusho. Tashkent. A classic word. 2015. - B.108 [А.А. Juvayniy. Tarixi Jahongusho. Toshkent. Mumtoz soz. 2015. – B.108].
6. Abdurasulov A. Khiva. Historical ethnographic essays. Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1997. - B.120; Raxmanova R.Yu. Dis. Socio-political life of Khiva in the XVI-early XIX centuries: tradition and changes. Tashkent. 2009. - B 145. [Аbdurasulov А. Xiva. Tarixiy etnografik ocherklar.Toshkent. Oʼzbekiston. 1997. – B.120; Raxmanova R.Yu. Dis. Xiva shahrining XVI – XIX asrning boshlaridagi ijtimoiy siyosiy hayoti: anьana va oʼzgarishlar. Toshkent. 2009. - B 145].
7. Abdurasulov A. Khiva. Historical ethnographic essays. Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1997. - B.120. [Аbdurasulov А. Xiva. Tarixiy etnografik ocherklar.Toshkent. Oʼzbekiston. 1997. – B.120]
8. Abdurasulov A. Khiva. Historical ethnographic essays. Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1997. - Б. - 46; Saburova S.A. Dis. The state system of the Khiva khanate in the XIX and early XX centuries. Tashkent. 2002. - b. 116. [Аbdurasulov А. Xiva. Tarixiy etnografik ocherklar.Toshkent. Oʼzbekiston. 1997. – B. – 46; Saburova S.А. Dis. XIX asr va XX asr boshlarida Xiva xonligining davlat tizimi. Toshkent. 2002. - B. 116].
9. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - P. 124. [Аbulgʼoziy. Shajarayi turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 124].
10. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - P. 149. [Аbulgʼoziy. Shajarayi turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 149].
11. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - P. 152; Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs-ul-Iqbal. Tashkent. A new generation. 2010. - P. 123 [Аbulgʼoziy. Shajarayi turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 152; Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs–ul-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2010. - B. 123].
12. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - P. 179. [Аbulgʼoziy. Shajarayi turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 179].
13. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - page 123.
14. Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - p.188.
15. Abulgazikhan. Shajarai turk. … Page 158; History of Uzbekistan. (XVI-pervaya polovina XIX v.) Otvest. ed. doctor ist. nauk. Prof. A.A. Alimova. - S 360. [Аbulgʼozixon. Shajarai turk. … 158-bet; Istoriya Uzbekistana. (XVI-pervaya polovina XIX v.) Otvest. red. doktor ist. nauk. Prof. А.А. Аlimova. - S 360].
16. Abulgazikhan. Shajarai turk. T.Cholpon. 1992. - P. 139. [Аbulgʼozixon. Shajarai turk. T.Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 139].
17. Abulgazikhan. Shajarai turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - Б. 120-125 .; Abdullanoma. 1 vol. T: Fan. 1966. - Б. 110; A.Ziyo. History of Uzbek statehood. Tashkent. East. 2000. - Б. 243; Mirza olim Mahdum khoji. History of Turkestan. T: New Age Generation, 2009. - p. 50-53; Muhammadyar ibn Arab Qatag'an. Musaxxir al-bilod. Tashkent. A new generation. 2009. - Б. 142, 154. Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs-ul-iqbal. ... - B.77,79; Toshev N. Title of Khiva khans. Oriental Studies. №15 / 2011. - B. 78; G'. According to Boboyorov's prohibition, the succession in the Western Turkic Khanate (568-740) was based on a tradition, such as the Eastern Turkic Khanate, in which, unlike many ancient states, it passed from father to son vertically rather than horizontally. See G. Boboyorov. The state structure of the Western Turkish Khanate. Tashkent. New edition. 2018. - B. 133; A.M. Atakhodjaev's research notes that during the Arab conquest, this tradition was probably influenced by Turkish rulers and took on an inherited character. That is, the throne passed from brother to brother, from father to son. See A.M. Ataxodjaev Council of elders, dargah and devon in the Sogdian administrative system. Dargah and devons in the Uzbek state system. Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference. 2019. Toshkent. Akademnashr. - B. 15. [Аbulgʼozixon. Shajarai turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 120-125.; Аbdullanoma. 1 jild. T: Fan. 1966. – B. 110; А.Ziyo. Oʼzbek davlatchilik tarixi. Toshkent. Sharq. 2000. – B. 243; Mirzo olim Maxdum xoji. Tarixi Turkiston. T: Yangi asr avlodi, 2009. – B. 50-53; Muhammadyor ibn Аrab Qatagʼan. Musaxxir al-bilod. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2009. - B. 142, 154. Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs-ul-iqbol. ... - B.77,79; Toshev N. Xiva xonlari titulaturasi. Sharqshunoslik. №15/2011. – B. 78; Gʼ. Boboyorovning taqiqotida qayd etilishicha, vorisiylikning oʼtishi Gʼarbiy turk xoqonligida (568-740) Sharqiy turk xoqonligi kabi aʼanaga koʼra asosan, koʼplab qadimgi davlatlardan farqli holatda vertikal tarzda otadan oʼgʼilga emas, balki gorizontal holatda akadan-ukaga oʼtish tartibiga asoslangan. Qarang: Gʼ. Boboyorov. Gʼarbiy turk xoqonligining davlat tuzilishi. Toshkent. Yangi nashr. 2018. - B. 133; А.M. Аtaxodjaevning tadqiqotida qayd etilishicha, arablar istilosi davrida bu anʼana turkiy hukmdorlar taʼsirida boʼlsa kerak, merosiylik tusini olgan. Yaʼni taxt akadan ukaga, otadan oʼgʼilga oʼtgan. Qarang: А.M. Аtaxodjaev Soʼgʼd maʼmuriy boshqaruv tizimida oqsoqollar kengashi, dargoh va devon masalalari. Oʼzbek davlatchilik tizimida dargoh va devonlar. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferentsiyasi materiallari toʼplami. 2019. Toshkent. Akademnashr. – B. 15].
18. The blessed body of Amir Sahibkiran is decorated with both the honor of hasab (fame) and the level of nasab. See Shami. Zafarnoma. Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1996. - P. 21. [Аmir Sohibqironning muborak vujudi ham hasab (nomdorlik) sharafi bilan orasta, ham nasab darajasi bilan bezatilgan. Qarang: Shomiy. Zafarnoma. Toshkent. Oʼzbekiston. 1996. – B. 21].
19. Description. Shajarai Khorezmshahiy. Tashkent. Kamalak. 1991. - P. 257. [Bayoniy. Shajarai Xorazmshohiy. Toshkent. Kamalak. 1991. – B. 257].
20. Begalieva D.E. K voprosu proisxojdeniya prestolonaslednika v Xivinskim xanstve. Khorezm in the history of the peoples of Eurasia. Materials of the international symposium. Kaskalen 2019. - p. 97-103. [Begalieva D.E. K voprosu proisxojdeniya prestolonaslednika v Xivinskom xanstve. Xorezm v istorii narodov Yevrazii. Materiali mejdunarodnogo simpoziuma. Kaskalen 2019. – S. 97-103].
21. Vamberi A. Travels in Central Asia. M. Vostochnaya literature. 2003. - P. 64. [Vamberi А. Puteshestvie po Sredney Аzii. M. Vostochnaya literatura. 2003. - B. 64].
22. In the data of Veselovsky N.I. See: - S. 332: Kalga (Turkic) - In the Middle Ages, the Nogays (Mangits) and Crimean khans had a picture of the heirs to the throne. See Allaeva N.A. Interactions between the Khiva Khanate and Iran in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Candidate of Historical Sciences… diss. T. 2007. - B. 30; In the first quarter of the 16th century, in Bukhara, as a rule, attention was paid to the age of the caliph. This rule is called Qone'a. See Muhammad ibn Arab Qatagan. Musaxxir al-bilod. T. A new generation. 2009. - Б. 142 .; Satisfied and satisfied. See A Brief Dictionary of Navoi's Works. T. Fan 1993. - p. 350. [Veselovskiy N.I maʼlumotlarida qolgʼa (kalga) koʼrinishida berilgan. Qarang: - S. 332: Qolgʼa (turkiy) – oʼrta asrlarda noʼgʼoylarda (mangʼitlarda) va Qrim xonlarida taxt vorisi boʼlgan valiahdlarni shunday atash rasm boʼlgan. Qarang: Аllaeva N.А. XVI-XVIII asrlarda Xiva xonligi va Eron oʼrtasidagi oʼzaro aloqalar. Tarix fanlari nomzodi … diss. T. 2007. - B. 30; XVI asrning birinchi choragida Buxoroda ham qoidaga koʼra valiahd saylashda yoshiga eʼtibor berilgan. Bu qoida “Qoneʼa” deb atalgan. Qarang: Muhammad ibn Аrab Qatagʼan. Musaxxir al-bilod. T. Yangi asr avlodi. 2009. – B. 142.; Qoniʼ va qoneʼ - qanoat qiluvchi. Qarang: Navoiy asarlari uchun qisqacha lugʼat. T. Fan 1993. – B. 350].
23. Veselovskiy N.I. Essays on the history and geography of the ancient Khivinsk dynasty from ancient times to the present. SpB. 1877. - p. 140. [Veselovskiy N.I. Ocherk istoriko-geograficheskix svedeniy Xivinskom xanstve ot drevneyshix vremen do nastoyashego. SpB. 1877. - S. 140].
24. Zayniddin Vosifiy. Badoe'ul-vakoe'. T. Literature and art. 1979. - p. 17. [Zayniddin Vosifiy. Badoeʼul-vaqoeʼ. T. Аdabiyot va sanʼat. 1979. - B. 17].
25. Qodirov M. History of Uzbek theater. (XVIII - XIX centuries) Tashkent. The world of creativity. 2003. - p. 117. [Qodirov M. Oʼzbek teatr tarixi. (XVIII – XIX asrlar) Toshkent. Ijod dunyosi. 2003. - B. 117].
26. Appointed
27. Mirzo Ulugbek. History of four nations. B. B. Ahmedov's introductory speech and comment. From Persian B.Akhmedov and b. Tashkent. Cholpon. - p. 303. [Mirzo Ulugʼbek. Toʼrt ulus tarixi. B. Аhmedovning kirish soʼzi va izohi. Fors tilidan B.Аhmedov va b. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. – B. 303].
28. Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs ul-iqbal. Tashkent. The new generation. 2010. - B. 92. [Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs ul-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi avlod. 2010 . - B. 92].
29. Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs-ul-Iqbal. Tashkent. A new generation. 2010. - Б. 346. Mutalov О. Khiva khanate during the reign of Allakulikhon. UZR. FA. Tashkent. 2005. - Б. 67, 69, 70. [Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs–ul-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2010. - B. 346. Mutalov O. Xiva xonligi Olloqulixon davrida. OʼZR. FА. Toshkent. 2005. - B. 67, 69, 70];
30. Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oglu Ogahiy. Zubdatu-t-tavorix. Prepared by Jabborov N. Uzbekistan. NMIY. 2009. - Б. 11. [Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oʼgʼli Ogahiy. Zubdatu-t-tavorix. Nashrga tayyorlovchi Jabborov N. Oʼzbekiston. NMIY. 2009. – B. 11].
31. Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oglu Ogahiy. Riyadh ud-davla. Prepared for publication. A. Orozboev. Tashkent. 2000. Page 41; Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oglu Ogahiy. Zubdatu-t-tavorix. ... 14, page 226; Sayyad Kamyob Tora. Tavorix ul-havonin. Toshkent 2007. - Б. 47; Veselovskiy N.I. Essays on the history and geography of the ancient Khivinsk dynasty from ancient times to the present. SpB. 1877. - С. 329; Zapiski Jarkova.Spb. - S. 231. [Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oʼgʼli Ogahiy. Riyoz ud-davla. Nashrga tayyorlovchi. А. Oʼrozboev. Toshkent. 2000. 41-bet; Muhammad Rizo Erniyozbek oʼgʼli Ogahiy. Zubdatu-t-tavorix. ... 14, 226-bet; Sayyod Kamyob toʼra. Tavorix ul-xavonin. Toshkent 2007. - B. 47; Veselovskiy N.I. Ocherk istoriko-geograficheskix svedeniy Xivinskom xanstve ot drevneyshix vremen do nastoyaщego. SpB. 1877. - S. 329; Zapiski Jarkova.Spb. - S. 231].
32. Narshaxiy. History of Bukhara. Tashkent. Meros. 1996. - p. 154. [Narshaxiy. Buxoro tarixi. Toshkent. Meros. 1996. – p. 154].
33. Golden front - arrow - target with a bow arrow. It was popular in Central Asia and Iran. A special gold or silver coin is placed inside the pumpkin by placing a pumpkin on a high wooden top. For the winning sniper, he had a gold or silver ingot placed inside the pumpkin. In the 19th and 20th centuries, it was customary to shoot with a rifle. See Bregel Y. Firdavs al-Iqbal. Histori of Khorezm by Shir Muhammad mirob Munis and Muhammad Riza mirob Agahi. Brill Leiden. Boston. Coln. 1999. P. 635; Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs-ul-Iqbal. Tashkent. A new generation. 2010. - Б. 346. [Oltun qabaq – oʼq - yoy oʼqi bilan nishonga olish. Markaziy Osiyoda va Eronda mashhur boʼlgan. Baland yogʼoch tepasiga qovoq qoʼyib, qovoqning ichiga maxsus bir dona oltin yoki kumush tanga qoʼyilgan. Yutgan mergan uchun qovoq ichida qoʼyilgan oltin yoki kumush quymasiga ega boʼlgan. XIX - XX arlarga kelib, miltiq oʼqi bilan nishonga olish urf boʼlgan. Qarang: Bregel Y. Firdavs al-iqbal. Histori of Khorezm by Shir Muhammad mirob Munis and Muhammad Riza mirob Agahi. Brill Leiden . Boston . Koln. 1999. P. 635; Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs–ul-iqbol. Toshkent. Yangi asr avlodi. 2010. - B. 346].
34. Sadoq - (arrow) carrying, that is, arrow - bow is a sign of reaching the age of puberty. See Munis and Ogahi. Firdavs - ul - iqbal. Tashkent: Yangi asr avlodi, 2010. - Б. 193. [Sadoq - (oʼqdon) koʼtara olish, yaʼni oʼq - yoy ota olish yoshiga yetganlik toʼyiga ishora. Qarang: Munis va Ogahiy. Firdavs – ul - iqbol. Toshkent: Yangi asr avlodi, 2010. - B. 193].
35. Essays on the history of statehood of Uzbekistan. Responsible editors: Alimova D.A., Rtveladze E.V. Tashkent. East. 2001. - p. 123. [Oʼzbekiston davlatchiligi tarixi ocherklari. Mas’ul muharrirlar: Аlimova D.А, Rtveladze E.V. Toshkent. Sharq. 2001. - B. 123].
36. Feruz. The fate of the king and the poet / Davlatyor Rahim, Shixnazar Matrasul, Nusratillo Jumakhoja. Tashkent: Uzbekistan. 1995. - p. 85. [Feruz. Shoh va shoir qismati / Davlatyor Raxim, Shixnazar Matrasul, Nusratillo Jumaxoʼja. Toshkent: Oʼzbekiston. 1995. - B. 85].
37. Firdavs-ul-Iqbal p.161. [Firdavs–ul-iqbol 161-bet].
38. Firdavs-ul-Iqbal page 77. [Firdavs–ul-iqbol 77-bet].
39. Khiva is a city of a thousand domes. Responsible editor. Azizxo'jaev A. Scientific editors; Rtveladze E, Habibullaev N. Tashkent. East. 1997. - Б. 107. [Xiva ming gumbaz shahri. Ma’sul muharrir. Аzizxoʼjaev А. Ilmiy muharrirlar; Rtveladze E, Habibullaev N. Toshkent. Sharq. 1997. - B. 107].
40. In particular, in the 16th century, half of the city of Khiva belonged to Polat Sultan and half to Temur Sultan. See Abulgazi. Shajarayi turk. Tashkent. Cholpon. 1992. - Б. 140; Veselovskiy N.N. Ocherk istoriko - geograficheskix svideniy o xivinskom xanstv. Ot drevneyshix vremen do nastoyashchego. S. - Petersburg. 1877. - С. 141; Allaeva N.A. Dis. Interaction between Khiva khanate and Iran in XVI-XVIII centuries. Tashkent. 2007. - B. 33. [Xususan, XVI asrda bir vaqtning oʼzida Xiva shahrining yarim boshqaruvi Poʼlat sultonga, yarmi esa Temur sultonga tegishli boʼlgan. Qarang: Аbulgʼoziy. Shajarayi turk. Toshkent. Choʼlpon. 1992. – B. 140; Veselovskiy N.N. Ocherk istoriko – geograficheskix svideniy o xivinskom xanstv. Ot drevneyshix vremen do nastoyashego. S. - Peterburg. 1877. - S. 141; Аllaeva N.А. Dis. XVI – XVIII asrlarda Xiva xonligi va Eron oʼrtasidagi oʼzaro aloqalar.Toshkent. 2007. – B. 33].
41. According to the Hazarasp-Khorezm legend, this fortress was built by a huge giant. This giant deceitfully captures a thousand winged horses that come here to drink water, and cuts off their wings and sets them up for himself. This fortress, which became famous because of the best generations of these horses, is called "Hazarasp". Ya. According to Gulyamov, this fortress is located in the territory of the present Hazarasp district. It was formed in the IV-III centuries. Rahimqulikhan, the protagonist of Zubdatu-t-tavorix, was the governor of Hazarasp province before ascending the throne of Khiva khanate. See Zubdatu-t-tavorix asari ... p. In the 17th and 19th centuries, the capital was inhabited by the Crown Prince after Khiva. See Khazarasp. [Hazorasp-Xorazm afsonasiga koʼra, bu qalьani bahaybat dev qurgan emish. Bu dev aldov yoʼli bilan bu yerga suv ichgani keladigan mingta qanotli otni qoʼlga kiritadi va ularning qanotini kesib, oʼziga oʼrnatadi. Shu otlarning sara avlodlari tufayli shuhrat qozongan bu qalʼani “Hazorasp” deya boshlaydilar. Ya. Gʼulomov maʼlumoticha, bu qalʼa hozirgi Hazorasp tumani hududida er.avv. IV-III asrlarda vujudga kelgan. “Zubdatu-t-tavorix” asarining bosh qahromoni Rahimqulixon Xiva xonligi taxtiga chiqqunga qadar Hazorasp muzofoti hokimi boʼlgan. Qarang: Zubdatu-t-tavorix asari ... 226-bet; XVII - XIX asrlarda poytaxt Xivadan keyin turgan, valiahd yashagan shahar. Qarang: Xazarasp].
42. Expenditure margins
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