About Methods of Language Teaching

  • Mamadayupova Vasila Shonazarovna Senior Teacher at TSUL
  • Oso Micheal Olamide Teacher Trainer at TESOL Asia International
Keywords: training methods, foreign languages, learning


At present stage of development of science, technology, international trade, different types of business communication a good command of foreign languages is not only a necessity, but also the need for specialists. There are many traditional methods of teaching foreign languages which are quite effective. However, the current development of society requires finding and using more advanced techniques and technologies.


1. Maslova A.M. «Essential English for Medical Students». M., 1981.
2. Khodjaeva L.U. Textbook "English", Tashkent, 2005.
3. Peer teaching: A description and evaluation. Teaching Sociology, 2(2), 133-146. Murphey. T. Australia, 1996.
4. Near peer role models. Teacher Talking to Teacher. 4 (3), 21-23. Mynard J. & Almarzouqi I., 2006.
How to Cite
Shonazarovna, M.V. and Olamide, O.M. 2022. About Methods of Language Teaching. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 3 (Mar. 2022), 1-3. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i3.2781.