Theoretical Views of Linguists and Literary Critics on the Term "Linguopoetics"

  • Komilova Gulmira Olimovna Doctoral student (PhD) of the Uzbek State University of World Languages
Keywords: linguopoetics, poetics, art, linguistic poetics, linguopoetics analysis, interdisciplinary research


At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the focus is on research related to the integration of particular sciences. Among the disciplines related to fiction or language, the word, which is a linguistic unit, underlies linguopoetics.


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How to Cite
Olimovna, K.G. 2022. Theoretical Views of Linguists and Literary Critics on the Term "Linguopoetics". International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 3 (Apr. 2022), 255-257. DOI: