The Significance of Landscape Design in Uzbekistan

  • Jonuzakov Abduvali Esirgapovich Architecture, Landscape architecture, Associate Professor of the Department “Interior and Landscape Design”
Keywords: Garden and park art, hanging gardens of Babylon, char-bag, char-chaman, khiabany alleys, recreation, conceptual development


The article discusses a brief history of gardens and parks of the Temurids, the formation of landscape design and the training of in-demand personnel in this area in independent Uzbekistan, the reconstruction of old and the construction of new recreational facilities, etc.


1. Уралов А.С., Ҳожихонов М. Темурийлар маънавияти ва маданият. Самарқанд, 1996.
2. Алимов У. Ўрта асрларда Моворауннаҳрда боғчилик хўжалиги тарихи.Тошкент, 1984.
3. Raximov K.J., Uralov A.S. Sharqmamlakatlarining bog’-park san’ati. Toshkent. 2013.
4. From the materials of conferences held in SamGASI on landscape in 2011, 2012.
How to Cite
Esirgapovich, J.A. 2022. The Significance of Landscape Design in Uzbekistan. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 3 (Apr. 2022), 316-320. DOI: