Characteristics of Japanese Garden

  • Jonuzakov Abduvali Esirgapovich Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Uzbekistan, Samarkand
  • Djuraeva Gulchehra Nuruldlaevna Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Uzbekistan, Samarkand
  • Gaibullaeva Muattar Olimjonovna Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Uzbekistan, Samarkand
Keywords: Contemplation and appreciation of the beauty of landscapes, the constructive scheme of the garden, the formal signs and symbols of the Japanese garden, the gardens attached to the monasteries and temples


The article briefly discusses the emergence of garden art in Japan, its main types and analyzes the main features of the Japanese garden.


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3. Л.И.Галкина. Японские традиции в оформлении сада. Москва. 2004.
4. И.О.Боговая, Л.М.Фурсова. Ландшафтное искусство. Москва. 1988.
How to Cite
Esirgapovich, J.A., Nuruldlaevna, D.G. and Olimjonovna, G.M. 2022. Characteristics of Japanese Garden. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 3 (Apr. 2022), 324-326. DOI:

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