The Role of Vahid Abdullayev's Scientific Activity in the Development of Literary Schools

  • Rahmatova Dilfuza Ahmedovna Teacher of the Department of Native Language and Literature Samarkand State University’s Academic Lyceum No.1
Keywords: research, Navoi studies, astronomy, philosophy, calligraphy, linguopoetic, terminology, bibliography


The article reflects the role of the candidate and doctoral dissertations of academician Vahid Abdullayev in the development of our literature, the fact that the scientific research of the scientist serves today's requirements.


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How to Cite
Ahmedovna, R.D. 2022. The Role of Vahid Abdullayev’s Scientific Activity in the Development of Literary Schools. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 3 (Apr. 2022), 244-245. DOI: