Planimetry as a Structural Component of Structure for Professional Training of a Future Teacher of Mathematics

  • Bozorov Zokir Yuldosh oglu Otaganova is the daughter of Umida Egamberdi Termez State University Teachers of the Pedagogical Institute
  • Khabibulloyev Abbos Odil oglu Otaganova is the daughter of Umida Egamberdi Termez State University Teachers of the Pedagogical Institute
  • Turakhanov Jakhongir Utkir oglu Otaganova is the daughter of Umida Egamberdi Termez State University Teachers of the Pedagogical Institute
  • Otaganova Umida Egamberdi qizi Termez State University Teachers of the Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: competent approach, basic competence, professional competence, mathematical competence


In this article, the essence and component composition of the competence of the future teacher in the field of planimetry and its teaching methods are defined as one of the components of his professional competence.


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How to Cite
oglu, B.Z.Y., oglu, K.A.O., oglu, T.J.U. and Otaganova Umida Egamberdi qizi 2022. Planimetry as a Structural Component of Structure for Professional Training of a Future Teacher of Mathematics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 78-84. DOI: