Semantic and Lingua-Cultural Features of English and Uzbek Medical Periphrases

  • Kobilova Aziza Bakhriddinovna A senior teacher of the English linguistics department Foreign languages faculty Bukhara State University
Keywords: traditions, semantic, intercultural communications, the relationship between languages and cultures, medical periphrases, science, English language


Periphrases are one of the most important stylistic devices associated with the speech process. Periphrases serve to enrich speech, make it attractive, figurative, and impressive, and enhance the level of language. In this article, investigating semantic and lingua-cultural aspects of the medical periphrases of the English and Uzbek languages, passages of journalistic texts were analyzed.


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How to Cite
Kobilova Aziza Bakhriddinovna 2022. Semantic and Lingua-Cultural Features of English and Uzbek Medical Periphrases. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 162-167. DOI: