Education-Intellektual Development of Youth in Education as a Pedagogical Problem

  • Karamova Mohinur Faxritdin qizi “Pedagogika kafedrasi” o‘qituvchisi, (Qarshi Davlat universiteti)
Keywords: creativeness, development, creative thinking, mental, social factors, possession of creative abilities


The article describes the creativeness of human consciousness, the emergence of intellekt issues of emotional intelligence, sex and intellect, intellectual insufficiency, intellekt issues of structure, the history of intellect, the relationship between the influence of biological and social factors, the goals of developing the intellektual capacity of young people.


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How to Cite
qizi, K.M.F. 2022. Education-Intellektual Development of Youth in Education as a Pedagogical Problem. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 122-125. DOI: