The Educational Potential of Art and its Realization in the Context of Globalization

  • Shomurod Mustafayev Associate Professor of the Kattakurgan Branch of the Samarkand State University
  • Kuvandyk Aitbayevich Kadyrov The first vice-rector for Youth and Spiritual and educational work of the Nukus Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz
Keywords: art, cultural globalization, artistic culture, national culture, universal culture, cultural functions, formation of aesthetic needs, aesthetic taste, world perception, national identity, national and cultural identity


The article examines the place and role of art in the conditions of cultural globalization, the problem of realizing the educational potential of art. The functional capabilities and prospects for the development of the aesthetic culture of the individual are determined, including in the process of interaction of cultures of different peoples. Special attention is paid to the formation of the artistic culture of youth.


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How to Cite
Mustafayev, S. and Kadyrov, K.A. 2022. The Educational Potential of Art and its Realization in the Context of Globalization. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 218-222. DOI: