Gallurgical Enrichment of Silvinite Mines and Technology of Potassium Ore Processing

  • Khaydarova Munira Davronovna Assistants of Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Shaymanova Rano Soatmurodovna Assistants of Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Muhammadiyev Husayn Alizoda Master of Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
Keywords: sylvinite, ore, halurgical method, technological system, potash ores, solution, crystal, mechanical impact


The article discusses the issues of studying the processing of sylvinite ore, the development of effective technological systems for  halurgical enrichment and the analysis of the main stages of processing sylvinite, identifying prospects for accelerating the processing of potash ore and developing recommendations.


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How to Cite
Davronovna, K.M., Soatmurodovna, S.R. and Alizoda, M.H. 2022. Gallurgical Enrichment of Silvinite Mines and Technology of Potassium Ore Processing. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 381-384. DOI: