Development of Inhibitors against Corrosion and Mineral Salts in Pipes on the Basis of Local Raw Materials

  • Murotov Akmal Ahmadjonovich Master of Tashkent State Transport University
  • Ibodullayev Ahmadjon Sobirovich Associate Professor of Technical Sciences
Keywords: The problem of creating inhibitors, corrosion, metal, oil, industry, ecology, steel


To create inhibitors against corrosion and mineral salts in pipes and to implement them by creating the necessary methods.


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How to Cite
Ahmadjonovich, M.A. and Sobirovich, I.A. 2022. Development of Inhibitors against Corrosion and Mineral Salts in Pipes on the Basis of Local Raw Materials. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 465-467. DOI: