Involving 13-14 Year-Old Athletes in Athletics

  • Sharipova Dilyara Djumaniyozovna Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, and Professor
  • Mamanova Aziza Abdukhalik qizi Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, 1st year master’s degree in Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports
Keywords: Athletics, student, young athlete, coach


This article presents our theoretical views on how to interest and select students in the athletics section.


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How to Cite
Djumaniyozovna, S.D. and qizi, M.A.A. 2022. Involving 13-14 Year-Old Athletes in Athletics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 524-526. DOI: