The Importance of Teacher's Pedagogical Skills in Educating Primary School Students in the Spirit of Decency

  • Rabigʻa Shabatova Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, 2nd year student of primary education
Keywords: Education, upbringing, Third Renessance, profession, pedagogy, skill, demand, talent, culture, responsibility


This article focuses on the responsibilities of the primary school teacher in the learning process and the responsibilities he or she should have in relation to the child entering the first grade. The importance of educating primary school students in the spirit of morality is also emphasized, as is the need for the pedagogical skills of the primary school teacher.


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How to Cite
Shabatova, R. 2022. The Importance of Teacher’s Pedagogical Skills in Educating Primary School Students in the Spirit of Decency. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 544-546. DOI: