Social Protection of Women in Uzbekistan - As an Important Link of Reforms

  • Ergasheva Gulchehra Kuldashevna On the example of Navoi region, Teachers of the department of "History" of NavSPI
  • Ruzieva Dilshoda Mavlonovna Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: women's rights and interests, family, health, targeted support for women, socio-emotional environment, reproductive health, rehabilitation, trade union


This article focuses on the protection of women's rights and interests in Navoi region, ensuring women's participation in all legal, economic, political, spiritual and educational spheres of social life, improving the socio-spiritual environment in neighborhoods and families, targeted support for disadvantaged women, the article states that it is an important task to study their living conditions and provide practical assistance.


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How to Cite
Kuldashevna, E.G. and Mavlonovna, R.D. 2022. Social Protection of Women in Uzbekistan - As an Important Link of Reforms. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 6 (Jun. 2022), 594-596. DOI: