Issues of modern historiography of the history of the Bukhara and Kokand Khanate

  • Rustam Shukurov TSPU named after Nizami
Keywords: khanate, political and economic history, soviet historiography, historiography, the documents, Central Asia, scientifically theoretical approaches, scientific studies


At the end XX age and the first decennial events XXI age history khanate was repeatedly shown by object of the study historian to Central Asia. In given article is analysed some of the study, scientific publications and monographs, published in Central Asia about khanate with historiography of the point vision.


H. Ziyoev Fight against Russian aggression and dominance in Turkestan. –T. East, 1998; Masalieva O. Studying the history of Bukhara, Khiva and Kokand Khanate in 20th-century British and American historiography. Historical Science ... PhD diss ... - T., 1998; Rajabov Q. Red Army invasion and fight against Bukhara. - Tashkent: Spirituality, 2002; Ilhomov Z. Alikuli Amirlashkar and his role in the political life of the Kokand khanate. name .... diss. T.2004; Makhmudov. Sh Administrative and management system of Kokand khanate (1709-1876). History. title .... diss.- T. 2007; Shukurillaev Yu.A. Army and military work in the Bukhara Emirate (1753 - 1920). History. nomz… diss. Tashkent, 2006 et al.

Khotamov N. The overthrow of the emir regime in Bukhara. Dushanbe, 1997; Ismailova B. Political and socio-economic situation of the Bukhara emirate: second half. XVIII - the middle of the XIX century. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Khujand - 2004; Yorov A.Sh. Bukhara emirate on the world market (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries). Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences Dushanbe - 2005; Jurabaev D.Kh. Bukhara emirate in the second half of the ХУШ - the first half of the XIX centuries. in written sources. Abstract for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Dushanbe - 2014 and others.

Dankov A.G. “Russian and British historiography on the rivalry between Russia and Great Britain in Central Asia (XIX – early XXI centuries).” Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Tomsk 2008; Borozdin S.S. The policy of the Russian authorities in relation to the Muslim population of Turkestan and Bukhara (1867 - 1914), Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences, Yekaterinburg - 2012; Vasiliev A.D. The relationship of the Ottoman Empire and the states of Central Asia in the middle of the XIX-early XX centuries. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Moscow - 2007; Brezhneva S.N. Historiography of the problem of annexation of the Turkestan Territory to Russia (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 21st century). Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Moscow, 2005; Shushkova M, E. Organization of Turkestan management in the early twentieth century. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Moscow, 2015 va bosh.

Garbuzarova E.G. The geopolitical aspect of the confrontation between the Russian and British empires in Central Asia in the 19th century. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Bishkek. 2010.

Yanshin V.P. The advance of Russia into Central Asia and the annexation of the Tien Shan and Alai: XIX century. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Bishkek. 2006

Anarbekova V.E. The activities of the historical figures of the Kyrgyz people based on folklore materials (XIX – early XX centuries). Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Bishkek - 2017.

Tashmanbet Kenensariyev. “Once again about Alymkul Lashker bashi ...”

Sumarokova Olga Leonidovna. The evolution of the language policy of the Russian Empire in the Turkestan Territory (based on materials from Kyrgyzstan). The dissertation ... Doctors of historical sciences. Bishkek. 2016.

How to Cite
Rustam Shukurov 2020. Issues of modern historiography of the history of the Bukhara and Kokand Khanate . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 39-41. DOI: