Image of Navai and Artistic Interpretation in the Drama "Navai and Baykara"

  • Gulbahor Ashurova Head of the Fuzuli Research Center, Associate Professor of the Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navai, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Keywords: Drama, historicity, image, artistic interpretation, reality of life, historical images, fictitious images


This article is devoted to the issue of creating historical dramas in Uzbek literature, the assessment given by him, the features of the representation of the image of Navai in Uzbek dramas of the period of independence. In particular, the issue of artistic interpretation of the image of Navai in the drama of Muhammad Ali "Navai and Baikara" is covered in detail.


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How to Cite
Ashurova, G. 2022. Image of Navai and Artistic Interpretation in the Drama "Navai and Baykara". International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 9 (Sep. 2022), 145-150. DOI: