Development of Breeding Works in Cattle Farming (In the Example of Surkhandarya)

  • Jumaeva Shohida Chorievna Teacher of Termiz State University (Uzbekistan)
Keywords: livestock, meat and dairy products, black and red desert breeds, cattle breeding, breeding


In the article, in the Surkhandarya oasis, the work carried out on increasing the productivity of cattle breeding to meet the needs of the population for livestock products, that is, meat and dairy products, its development, the activities of farms in the field of livestock breeding, the establishment of breeding, information is provided on the rapid development of breeding work in cattle breeding.


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How to Cite
Chorievna, J.S. 2022. Development of Breeding Works in Cattle Farming (In the Example of Surkhandarya). International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 10 (Oct. 2022), 83-86. DOI: