Methods of Forming the Environmental Communicative and Legal Literacy of Primary Class Students

  • Khuzhamurodova Khosiyat Panjiyevna Termiz State Pedagogical Institute, Master's students of elementary education
  • Abduraimova Nilufar Termiz State Pedagogical Institute, Master's students of elementary education
Keywords: environmental education, project, education, place in education, in the classroom and outside the school


The article describes the formation of environmental competence among elementary school students, the formation of environmental legal literacy among elementary school students in interactive ways, the process of developing personal legal literacy qualities, the formation of environmental legal literacy in the classroom and extracurricular environmental activities.


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How to Cite
Panjiyevna, K.K. and Nilufar, A. 2022. Methods of Forming the Environmental Communicative and Legal Literacy of Primary Class Students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 11 (Nov. 2022), 201-203. DOI: