Uniqueness of Modern Expression in Islamic Lyrics

  • Atajon Norov Doctor of philosophy in philological sciences, Researcher of QSU
Keywords: modernism, word, spirit, poetics, materiality, philosophy


This article discusses the formal-stylistic, ideological-artistic features of modernist poetry. In particular, the unprecedented changes in artistic thinking that occurred at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the new century made it possible to radically reform the level of philosophical coverage. As a result, poetry and poetry were closely observed as a huge issue and responsibility.


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2. Раҳмон Ш. Абадият оралаб. –Т.: “Муҳаррир”. нашриёти.2012. –Б.93.
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4. Асқар Маҳкам.Ваҳдат куйи.Т.: “Nurafshon business 2021. –Б.338.
How to Cite
Norov, A. 2022. Uniqueness of Modern Expression in Islamic Lyrics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 11 (Nov. 2022), 231-234. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i11.3657.