The Role of National Values in the Formation of Social Competence in Students

  • Q. V. Nishonboeva Associate Professor of the Department of "Art Studies and Cultural Studies" of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan, Candidate of historical sciences
Keywords: education, competence, types of approach, content, essence, practical importance, perspective


This article is dedicated to the concept of competence and professional competence and its entry into science, as well as the competence approach that is widely introduced to all normative requirements of the stages of the educational system of our republic, scientific conclusions are given on the importance of competence approaches in science, education and practice. Also, the origin, types, content, practical importance of the competence approach in education and what should be paid attention to in the future are revealed.


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2. Competence. English-Uzbek, Uzbek-English dictionary.-T.: "Teacher", 2007;
3. The concept of developing the national idea at a new stage of Uzbekistan's development. //People's word. December 12, 2019;
4. Shavkat Mirziyoev. The work of a people with a great intention will be great, their life will be bright and their future will be prosperous. "Uzbekistan", NMIU, 2019. Page 258.
How to Cite
Nishonboeva, Q.V. 2022. The Role of National Values in the Formation of Social Competence in Students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 11 (Nov. 2022), 250-253. DOI: