Integration and Continuity in the Formation of Critical Thinking in Primary Class Students

  • Kuchkinov Abdumalik Yuldashovich Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) Chirchik State Pedagogical University "Methodology of primary education" department, Senior Teacher
  • Astanakulova Nasiba Uralovna Graduate student of Termiz State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: primary education, critical thinking, process, didactics, acquisition, ability, goal, content


In the article, the subject-emotional cognitive skills, independence and activity of primary school students in the formation of critical thinking, the content of the educational process aimed at the development of critical thinking, the consideration of pedagogical-psychological integrity and continuity in the formation of critical thinking in students are discussed in the article. It is said that it should become a task that teachers constantly pay attention to.


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How to Cite
Yuldashovich, K.A. and Astanakulova Nasiba Uralovna 2022. Integration and Continuity in the Formation of Critical Thinking in Primary Class Students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 11 (Nov. 2022), 352-356. DOI: