Analysis of artistic tissue images in the work of Erkin Samandar "Sultan Jalaliddin"

  • Omonova Feruza Sharipjanovna The native language and literature of the state secondary school specialized in Natural Sciences under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tashkent
Keywords: Historical past, heroes of the novel, historical novel, historical character, literary fiction, fictional character


The article is devoted to the analysis of images in historical books and how fictional images  contributed to the development of historical images character. The stress is  also given to the role of fictional images in creating piece of literature. Moreover, there have been discussed why fictional images are put to the centre of events. One more thing that has been discussed  in the article is that, fictional images are illustrated by comparing with historical sourses.


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How to Cite
Omonova Feruza Sharipjanovna 2020. Analysis of artistic tissue images in the work of Erkin Samandar "Sultan Jalaliddin". International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 5 (May 2020), 17-19. DOI: