Lof Genre and its Artistic Features

  • D. U. Mekhlieva UzRFA Uzbek language, literature and Intern Researcher of the Institute of Folklore, Scientific leader: L.A. Khudaikulova UzRFA Uzbek language, literature and senior researcher of the Institute of Folklore, f.f. candidate, Tashkent. Uzbekistan
Keywords: praise, anecdote, askiya, humor, gyperbole


In the article, lof – genre of uzbek oral folks arts, has been studied on the basis of theoretical data from the scientific and artistic perspective. It discusses the differences between lof and other genres based on the structure of lof, its specific composition, critical features, and its relation to humor and joke.


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How to Cite
Mekhlieva, D.U. 2022. Lof Genre and its Artistic Features. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 11 (Nov. 2022), 389-392. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i11.3704.