Linguistic Features of Ergonims Representing Farming

  • Nuriddinova Nozima Avazxonovna Mother tongue teacher of Namangan region National center for training pedagogies in new methodologies
Keywords: ergonim, agriculture, farm, peasant farm, cooperative farm, metaphorical, mollusk


This article widely covers the linguistic features of ergonyms denoting a farm. Ergonyms are a mirror of the national culture, contain a large amount of information about traditions, customs, mentality and the world perception peculiarities, specific to this or that linguistic community in a given period. The article is devoted to the issue of creating a separate class of ergonyms – service names, which in the structure of the onomastic space of the language act as the names of farming in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite
Avazxonovna, N.N. 2022. Linguistic Features of Ergonims Representing Farming. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 52-55. DOI: