Translations of Famous Masterpiece “Boburnoma” Into the World Languages

  • Kazakova Ra’no Mashrabayevna A Russian teacher of Namangan region National center for training pedagogies in new methodologies
Keywords: edition, translation, appearance, monument, folklore masterpiece


this article tells about the translations of masterpiece "Boburnoma" into different languages such as English, Russian…, conducted scientific research and the first publications in English and in Russian.


1. Мамажонов М. (2018). Андижон географияси. 1-қисм.-Т.: ―Akademiya‖. 128 б.
2. Жалилов С. (2013). Шаҳзода Бобур. - Т.: ―Movarounnahr‖. 112 б.
3. Шамсутдинов Р., Мамажонов А. ва б. (2010) Кўҳна ва навқирон Андижон. Т.: ―Шарқ‖.160 б.
4. Zahiriddin Muҳammad Bobur. Boburnoma. “Shark” . – Toshkent, 2002.
5. Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur. Babur-name.«Shark». – Tashkent, 2008.
6. Leyden J., Erskine W. Memoirs of Zehir-Ed-DinMuhammed Baber: Emperor of Hindustan and. –London, 1826. – 432.
How to Cite
Mashrabayevna, K.R. 2022. Translations of Famous Masterpiece “Boburnoma” Into the World Languages. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 92-95. DOI: