Pedagogical Possibilities of using "Soft Skills" in the Professional Development of Teachers

  • Shahodat Teshaboyeva Senior teacher of the Surkhandarya region national center for training pedagogues in new methods, Uzbekistan
Keywords: teachers, professional development, soft skills, pedagogical opportunities, stress situations


In the article, the pedagogical possibilities of using "soft skills" in the professional development of teachers are discussed, including the ability to manage oneself in pedagogical activities, control stress situations, monitor personal improvement, know time management, show initiative, be persistent, and approach work with enthusiasm. stated. The manifestation of "soft skills" skills in teachers is based on social-communicative skills, organizational skills, functional skills.


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How to Cite
Teshaboyeva, S. 2022. Pedagogical Possibilities of using "Soft Skills" in the Professional Development of Teachers. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 196-198. DOI: