In the Spiritual and Moral Heritage of the Uzbek People Ideas of Military Patriotism and its Interpretation

  • Z. A. Abduazimova National University of Uzbekistan Department of Ethics and Aesthetics, Associate Professor
  • A. Usmanov National University of Uzbekistan Department of Ethics and Aesthetics, Graduate Student
Keywords: patriotism, bravery, combat comradeship, moral consciousness, moral practice, moral relations.


The article talks about the moral and moral heritage of the Uzbek people, the observance of the moral rules of military servicemen, the ideas of military patriotism and its interpretation, the military serviceman's love for the Motherland and loyalty to the military oath.


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How to Cite
Abduazimova, Z.A. and Usmanov, A. 2022. In the Spiritual and Moral Heritage of the Uzbek People Ideas of Military Patriotism and its Interpretation. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 248-252. DOI: