The Specificity of the Uzbek Shaman Ceremony Folklore

  • Olim Sadiriddinovich Kayumov Doctor of philological sciences, professor, Tashkent applied Sciences University
Keywords: Shaman, image, myth, patron, folklore, mythgenre


In this article, the characteristic features of shamanic ritual folklore, the role of shamanism in the cultural life of the Uzbek people, and its impact on the development of artistic thinking have been determined. Information about shaman sayings and Uzbek shamans, mythological patrons of Uzbek shamans and acceptance of shamanism, factual information about Uzbek shaman rituals are provided. The uniqueness of Uzbek shaman ritual folklore is revealed.


1. Tolganoy Mirzaeva, bakhshi. Navoi region, Khatirchi district. 35 years old, with secondary education.
2. Asliddin Kushnoch, Navoi region, Khatirchi district. 25 years old. Secondary education.
3. Sevdiyar kushnoch, Navoi region, Karmana district. 42 years old. Secondary education.
4. Mansurkhan Sharafuddin son, Eshan, Navoi region, Nurota district. Secondary education.
5. Shamsiya bibi Ashurova, fortune teller. Navoi region, Karmana district. Illiterate.
6. Velvet Momo, 77 years old. Tim village, Nurabad district, Samarkand region. Elementary education.
7. Nasiba Khaitova, 42 years old, fortune teller. Navoi region, Navoi city. Secondary education
How to Cite
Kayumov, O.S. 2022. The Specificity of the Uzbek Shaman Ceremony Folklore. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 262-269. DOI: