The Significance, Types, and Levels of Problems and Exercises in Activating Students' Cognitive Activity

  • Isabaeva Mashxura Muxiddinovna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences
  • Tajiboev Behzod Ghairatjon Ogli Faculty of Natural Sciences 2nd stage master's student of biology teaching methodology department
Keywords: creative approach, problems and exercises, methodical competence, learning activity, problem situation, logical thinking


In this article, the ways of presenting problems and exercises based on a creative approach in teaching biology, the role, goals and tasks of the teacher's methodical competence and his/her methodical activity are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Muxiddinovna, I.M. and Ghairatjon Ogli, T.B. 2022. The Significance, Types, and Levels of Problems and Exercises in Activating Students’ Cognitive Activity. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 303-306. DOI: