Use of Dialectics in Literary Texts (In the Example of the Works of Murad Muhammad Dost)

  • Khamidov Abdumalik Kironovich Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of TerDPI
Keywords: literary text, vocabulary, literary tools, imagery, oral speech, dialectics


In the years of independence, a new period of the linguistic study of literary text began in Uzbek linguistics. After our country was an independent country, the study of national history, literature, and language on a large scale had given special importance. In scientific research, attention have been paid to the study of the language of the literary work, the language and style of the writer, to the analysis of all aspects of the linguistic means in literary texts.


1. Умурқулов Б. Бадиий адабиётда сўз. – Тошкент: «Фан», 1993.
2. Қосимова М. Бадиий нутқ индивидуаллигининг лингвистик хусусиятлари (Тоғай Мурод асарлари асосида): Филол.фан.номз. ... дисс.автореф. – Тошкент, 2004. – Б.14.
3. Бобоева С. Ҳамид Олимжон поэзиясининг лексик хусусиятлари. – Тошкент, 1989. – Б. 10-11.
4. Мурод Муҳаммад Дўст. “Галатепага қайтиш ёҳуд саодатманд Ғайбаров ривояти”. – Тошкент: Ғафур Ғулом, 2009.
5. Мурод Муҳаммад Дўст. “Истеъфо”. –Тошкент, 1989.
6. Мурод Муҳаммад Дўст. “Мустафо”. –Тошкент, 1989.
7. Мурод Муҳаммад Дўст. “Лолазор”. –Тошкент: Ўзбекистон, 2016.
Resume. The article examines the level of literal- aesthetic impact of dialectal words found in the works of M. M. Dost.
How to Cite
Kironovich, K.A. 2022. Use of Dialectics in Literary Texts (In the Example of the Works of Murad Muhammad Dost). International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 12 (Dec. 2022), 310-313. DOI: