Art of Composers of Fergana Valley the Continuity and Endurance of Their Traditions

  • Khuraliyeva Marifatkhon Lecturer at the Department of Music Education, Faculty of Art History, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan
  • Orifjonov Husniddin Sohibjon Ugli Post-graduate student of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (Culturology), Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Arts, Department of Fine Arts and Music Education, Acting associate professor
Keywords: music, musical instrument, singer, hafiz, chanter, yalla


Abstract; This article looks at the art of composition, which is considered a genre of music of the Uzbek people, and its history. In addition, attention was paid to the development of the art of composition, representatives of the Fergana Valley School of Composition and their compositional activities.


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How to Cite
Marifatkhon, K. and Ugli, O.H.S. 2023. Art of Composers of Fergana Valley the Continuity and Endurance of Their Traditions. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 1 (Jan. 2023), 111-113. DOI: