Japanese National Festivals

  • Soliyeva Zarina Teacher of SamSIFL
  • Rajabova Marvarid Student of SamSIFL
Keywords: about Japan and lifestyle, Japanese national festivals


The article discusses some of Japan's national holidays. Information about when and how the holidays will be held is shown. There is also extensive material about the Japanese people.


1. Japan. Countries and their Cultures.
2. Culture Crossing Guide. (2017). Japan.
3. Japan Book Publishers Association.
4. Modern Japan: An Encyclopedia of History and Culture. (1998).
5. Paul Herbert. Japanese Culture (4th ed. 2000).
How to Cite
Zarina, S. and Marvarid, R. 2023. Japanese National Festivals. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 4 (Apr. 2023), 10-12. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i4.4217.