Implementation Management of Modern Education in Madrasah Diniyah

  • Suharsono Master of Islamic Education Management Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
  • Nur Efendi Master of Islamic Education Management Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia Jl.Majapahit 666 B, Sidoarjo
Keywords: Management, Education and Madrasah Diniyah


Madrasah is an institution of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is one of  the pillars of education, especially Islam. Madrasah existence has long been a part of education in Indonesia.

Principals are as one person in charge of educational institutions should be able to change the old paradigm into a new paradigm that is better in order to achieve the expected goals, as leader Principals are required to be able to move, influence, encourage, encourage, guide, advise, guide , ordering, commanding, forbidding, giving rewards, and give punishment (punishing, if necessary) and developing with the intention that man as a media management willing to work in order to achieve the purpose stated in the madrasah effectively and efficiently.

Behavior Management Principals in applying Modern Education in Madrasah Al-Ikhlas Diniyah Muhammadiyah Lamongan Sugihan solokuro appear once on the implementation of everyday tasks are always stressed and gave the example of the motto upright, Discipline, and Creative (IDK). Ikhlas is the spirit of the devotion and Discipline is the real form of devotion while Creative is the ability to generate ideas and action so that what ditampilakan not static and boring.

While the problems faced, ranging from problems of limited time, infrastructure, finance, and communication has not been established to the maximum, the usual problem faced by almost all educational institutions. But all this could be overcome by optimizing existing resources, as well as synergies with existing institutions, could be the best solution for the development and advancement of Madrasah Al-Ikhlas Diniyah this. The success of Islamic religious education in Madrasah Al-Ikhlas Diniyah Sugihan solokuro Muhammadiyah Lamongan, supported by the human resources component is very concerned about education. The success was evident from the seriousness of all the stakeholders, all of which was not separated from the help of Allah ..


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How to Cite
Suharsono and Nur Efendi 2020. Implementation Management of Modern Education in Madrasah Diniyah. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 4 (Jul. 2020), 74-80. DOI: