Sociopragmatic and Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Study of Discourse

  • Yarmatova Mehriniso Azamatovna Senior Lecturer, Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute Department of Uzbek language and literature Senior Lecturer, non-state educational institutions University of Economics and Pedagogy Department of Philological and Pedagogical Disciplines
Keywords: pragmalinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociopragmatics, linguopragmatics, politeness, language, culture


This article discusses how the language is studied in close connection with a person, his consciousness, thinking, spiritual and practical activities. Based on this material, it can be argued that sociopragmatics is the study of the socio-cultural aspects of the implementation of the communicative ability of an individual.


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How to Cite
Azamatovna, Y.M. 2023. Sociopragmatic and Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Study of Discourse. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 4 (Apr. 2023), 190-195. DOI: