Prose Works by Alisher Navoi

  • Dilshoda Alisherova Azizxon qizi Student of Uzbekistan state world languages university
Keywords: Navoi, history, interpretation, abjad, source


The prose works of Alisher Navoi originated on the basis of prose works of different genres and different themes in Persian and Ancient Uzbek, created in Khorasan and Transoxiana. But Navoi, as a great genius, wrote such centuries, which, on the one hand, reflected a new interpretation and development of advanced prose traditions in Persian-Tajik literature. Secondly, bearing in mind the rather slow development of prose in the Uzbek language in relation to Nazm, as well as a deep understanding of the breadth of possibilities of prose in relation to Nazm, Navoi enriched Uzbek literature with about fifteen prose works.


1. O‘zbek adabiyoti tarixi. Besh tomlik. 2 tom. XV asrning ikkinchi yarmi.-T.: 2012.
2. Alisher Navoiy. Mukammal asarlar to‘plami. Yigirma tomlik. O‘n oltinchi tom. Tarixi anbiyo va hukamo. Matnni nashrga tayyorlovchi L.Xalilov.-T.: O‘zR FA «Fan» nashriyoti. 2015. 97-194 betlar.
3. Alisher Navoiy. Mukammal asarlar to‘plami. Yigirma tomlik. O‘n oltinchi tom. Tarixi muluki Ajam. Nashrga tayyorlovchi L.Xalilov.-T.: O‘zR FA «Fan» nashriyoti. 2015. 196-257 betlar.
4. L.Xalilov. Texnologicheskoye issledovaniye sochineniye Alishera Navai «Tarixi muluki Ajam». Avtoref. Diss.. kand. Filol. Nauk.-T.: 2015
5. Alisher Navoiy. Mukammal asarlar to‘plami. Yigirma tomlik. O‘n beshinchi tom. Xamsat ul-mutahayyirin. P.Shamsiyev matni asosida tarjima va izohllarni to‘ldirib, nashrga tayyorlovchi S.G‘aniyeva.-T.: O‘zR FA «Fan» nashriyoti. 2019. 5-85 betlar.
6. www.
How to Cite
qizi, D.A.A. 2023. Prose Works by Alisher Navoi. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 5 (May 2023), 173-177. DOI: