The Role of Collectors in the Establishment of Museums (In the Case of Tashkent City)

  • Dilnoza Nazarova Researcher at Tashkent State, Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Keywords: collector, archaeologist, numismatics, exhibit, exhibition


This article explores the role of collectors in the establishment of museums in Central Asia, under the patronage of the Russian Empire. Specifically, it provides information about archaeologist scholars who have been overlooked in the history of Uzbek archaeology during the latter half of the 20th century.


1. The Uzbekistan National archives, fund-I-1, list-16, case-259, page-10.
2. Turkestonskie vedomosti № 48. 24 august 1876.
3. Turkestonskie vedomosti № 45. 5 november 1891.
4. Turkestonskie vedomosti № 31. 4 august. 1891.
5. Turkestonskie vedomosti № 46. 14 december 1912.
6. Abdurakhmonova S. Museum of Interned Japanese. //
7. Muminova М. Museums of Uzbekistan // New Uzbekistan . № 146. July 21, 2022.
How to Cite
Nazarova, D. 2023. The Role of Collectors in the Establishment of Museums (In the Case of Tashkent City). International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 5 (May 2023), 317-320. DOI: