A Concept of Upgrading the Content of Mother Language Education

  • Zokirov Javohir Gaybullo ugli Teacher of the primary education department, Termiz State University, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Keywords: exercise, concept, educational material, textbook, innovative approach, speech, listening, training


In the article, updating the content of mother tongue education, the structure of modern mother tongue textbooks, activation of work on introducing innovative approaches to teaching mother tongue through educational tasks; improvement of scientific, methodical, psychological and pedagogical support system development for mother tongue teaching; It is thought about the important task of today to involve the latest achievements of ethnolinguistics in the educational process.


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How to Cite
ugli, Z.J.G. 2023. A Concept of Upgrading the Content of Mother Language Education. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 7 (Jul. 2023), 8-12. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i7.4576.