Forms, Methods, and Tools of Using the Scientific Heritage of Central Asian Scientists in the Process of Higher Pedagogical Education

  • Muradov Farhodjon Murodjon o’g’li Independent researcher of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
Keywords: education, analysis, processing, mathematics teaching methodology, method, lexicographer, differentiation


We know that the science of mathematics develops a person's intelligence, attention, develops determination and will, algorithmic order provides discipline and expands thinking. In this article, we describe the use of forms, methods, and tools in organizing educational activities for students based on the rich scientific heritage of Eastern scholars.


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How to Cite
Muradov Farhodjon Murodjon o’g’li 2023. Forms, Methods, and Tools of Using the Scientific Heritage of Central Asian Scientists in the Process of Higher Pedagogical Education. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 7 (Jul. 2023), 51-57. DOI: