Innovative Technologies in Teaching Examples of Folk Art in Primary School "Mother Tongue and Reading Literacy" Lessons

  • Ruzikulova Nigora Kudratovna Graduate student of Asian International University, Uzbekistan
  • M. Y. Roziyeva Based on the review of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate professor
Keywords: proverb, parable, fairy tale, magical tale, narrative, epic, genres of folklore


This article presents analytical examples of the role of folklore in primary classes, the effective use of folklore genres, proverbs, fairy tales, riddles, narrative genres.


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How to Cite
Ruzikulova Nigora Kudratovna and M. Y. Roziyeva 2023. Innovative Technologies in Teaching Examples of Folk Art in Primary School "Mother Tongue and Reading Literacy" Lessons. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 8 (Aug. 2023), 58-61. DOI: