Development of Socially Active Citizenship Competences in Educating Primary School Students' Spiritual Thinking

  • Abdullayeva Shohista Maksudovna Graduate student of the 1st stage of the International University of Asia, Uzbekistan
  • N. H. Aslanova Based on the review of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Keywords: national value, perfect person, education, activity, national traditions, manners, morals


The article describes the development of competence of primary school students, the types of competence. For this purpose, important factors in the formation of scientific competences (communicative competence, information processing competence, self–development competence) are shown, and the Uzbek people have their mental image, national character, character, feeling , customer, behavior, morals, taste, tastes are different, the improvement of the child's morals and manners should be done first of all in the family.


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How to Cite
Abdullayeva Shohista Maksudovna and N. H. Aslanova 2023. Development of Socially Active Citizenship Competences in Educating Primary School Students’ Spiritual Thinking. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 8 (Aug. 2023), 62-65. DOI: