Teaching Cultural Concepts through Language

  • Hadher Hussen Abbood English Department, College of Education, Samara University, Iraq
Keywords: Teaching Cultural Concepts, Language, Culture, Comprehension and Capacity


The relevance amidst language and culture is a vital and a huge source to conduct researches or even to consider about, as there is a sturdy link between realization the cultural concepts and its dimensions. Additionally, comprehension and the capacity to read and use the language of any culture to enter in examining the culture and learning it precisely. Thus, spirited spot of this paper is to focus on any method for the rapport among the cultural connotation perception and the use of the language of the culture itself. Recently, schools use some of these ideas to communicate with culture during teaching and it is an important step across gaining any insights into the culture in a scientific way. This also maybe through; the pedagogic syllabus in teaching language as a primary bit of the language of any culture and let the learners enter pointedly into the culture of this language. The paper is generated based on the author previously faced many problems while working as a teacher. Aside for that, these hitches can be attributed to the aims of the syllabus that the instructor delivered to his pupils during his teaching. Subsequently, the idea of this paper is to share the researcher’s own experience pertaining to Cultural and Language link while teaching the students.


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How to Cite
Hadher Hussen Abbood 2023. Teaching Cultural Concepts through Language. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 8 (Aug. 2023), 74-79. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i8.4685.