Effective Methods of Passing Examples of The Narrative Genre In Reading Lessons Based on Interactive Methods

  • Layla SAPAYEVA Master's student of the 1st stage of the International University of Asia, Uzbekistan
  • M.Y. Roziyeva Based on the review of Doctor of Philosophy , Associate Professor
Keywords: reading, lesson, story genre, interactive method, effective methods, interpretive reading, pedagogical technology, analysis, creativity


The article describes effective methods of passing examples of the narrative genre in reading lessons based on interactive methods. To achieve this goal, various forms of lessons –  "Boomerang" technology, "Saw", "Find your place", "FSMU", "Why?", "Two– part diary" methods, , "Pinboard" method, the use of exercises such as "Recover the poem" increases the effectiveness of the lesson.


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How to Cite
SAPAYEVA, L. and Roziyeva, M. 2023. Effective Methods of Passing Examples of The Narrative Genre In Reading Lessons Based on Interactive Methods. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 8 (Aug. 2023), 86-90. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i8.4700.