Different meaning of the speech verbs say, tell, speak, talk

  • Ziyaeva Dilnoza Anvarovna
Keywords: Meaning, speech, verbs, say, tell, speak, talk, English, Russian


This article investigates major points of the speech verbs. On this case, different meaning of verbs was analyzed from Russian into English.  Therefore, analyses of the theory with methodology were described to make better diffusion. To conclude with both outcomes and shortcomings were outlined to get further analyses as the whole.


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How to Cite
Ziyaeva Dilnoza Anvarovna 2020. Different meaning of the speech verbs say, tell, speak, talk . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 95-97. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i1.49.