Linguistic Description Of The Lexical Level And Its Learning Status

  • Begimova Gulshoda Jahon kizi Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Engineering Economics, Karshi
Keywords: acoustics, lexicology, hierarchy, concept, integrative, compositional


Language is created by society, and its fate is closely related to the fate of society. Language is a social phenomenon. As a social phenomenon, it is distinguished from natural phenomena. For example, natural-biological and physiological characteristics of people (eating, breathing, development, etc.) develop in accordance with the laws of nature, independently of society. But in order to speak and think in a language, there must be a community of people. Therefore, unlike natural phenomena, language is a social phenomenon created and served by human society.


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How to Cite
Begimova Gulshoda Jahon kizi 2023. Linguistic Description Of The Lexical Level And Its Learning Status. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 10 (Oct. 2023), 109-111. DOI: